Saturday, May 22, 2010


I crawl out from my bed wearily when the alarm goes off...
i call to my friend 2 find them 2 go 4 fun-fair at my sister school...
but i was so despair & lamented they all dont want 2 go....
so i just can stay at home watching tv waiting the time 2 pass til my tuition time...
2day i reach bedford early....
i saw wavelyn & sin yi have arrived earlier then me...
Joining in happily but endding with some diffuculty..
Facing the task that given by 'mons'from out of the blue...
i was in point blank on what work had given by 'mons'....
he wanted us 2 continous the essay by where had he stopped...
After a minute or two, i started brainstorming
thinking of idea 2 continous de essay...
he told us that try 2 being a copy cat...
2 learn those word or phrases that given....
i have written the essay in one sitting,wholeheartedly...
Seize the golden opportunity ,that i could show 'mons' what i had been learning so long....
Finally, I finished the essay by the end of the class..and handed up the essay 2 'mons'....


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